The Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program

The new website for the North Pacific Research Board's Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Program is now up, with details on all of the field work and research that is part of this collaborative effort to better understand the Arctic marine ecosystem.  The overarching question as stated by NPRB is:

"How will reductions in Arctic sea ice and the associated changes in the physical environmental influence the flow of energy through the ecosystem in the Chukchi Sea?"

The research for my dissertation will be based on data collected as part of the program.  Over the next three years, I'll be participating in a series of cruises to characterize the population of early juvenile fishes using shipboard collected data and a suite of moored instrumentation.  Refer to my research page for more information.

The program is the effort of research groups at several universities, federal agencies, and multiple countries, ranging from studying the physical oceanography to evaluating the impact of changing resources on native communities.

Robert Levine