Follow our field work!
As we get underway with the first year of sampling, updates of our work on the R/V Ocean Starr will be posted to the NPRB Arctic Field Blog by the science party during our mooring deployments and survey of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas over the next two months. Regular updates should be posted through various social media outlets that you can be linked to through the blog.
Starting on August 1st, the science party for the first of three legs of this summer's cruise will depart Dutch Harbor, AK and sail North into the Arctic. The first two weeks will be comprised of transit and mooring deployments. Between all of the sampling groups involved, over 30 moorings of various types will be deployed over an 8 day period between Nome and Barrow. Once complete, we will switch gears and begin our station sampling. A grid of stations starting just east of Barrow, AK in the Beaufort Sea and continuing south into the Chukchi and Northern Bering Seas will be completed during the remainder of the survey. Spaced 30 nautical miles apart, samples will be collected for all of the participating research groups at every station, which will include various trawls and nets, water sampling, and collection of organisms from the smallest of phytoplankton to spawning salmon.
Depending on the availability of internet, I will periodically try to post updates of our status or location, so stay tuned.